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Last Updated:

April 15, 2003

遊龍 Yuulong /yu'loung/: The Wandering Dragon


Born in 1976, like many others, I am proud to be one of the dragons.  There is a famous song in Chinese called 龍的傳人, the descendants of the dragons. Ever since I can read, that song has been one of my favorite song.  The truth is, I am very proud of my heritage, and I am proud to be called a "dragon".


The wandering part, it started when I was two.  According to my grandparents, I can never sit still.  However, besides the physical travels, I like to wandering with my mind even more.  I enjoy reading, learning, thinking, and daydreaming (personal favorite).  I often wander into new frontier and discover many things that I never thought of before.


Finally, I put together a collection of essays I wrote over time.  The title was called: 遊龍吟, the lyrics of the wandering dragon. Since then, the name Yuulong, stay with me ever since.


Please check out Yuulong's biography and resume --> Printable Version (PDF)

Copyright 2000-2003 Howard C. Chuang / Yuulong. All rights reserved.